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We’re Calling It! This Year’s Hottest Graphic Design Trends


You're all set, your portfolio is complete, and you're all ready to yourself to the world - but then you feel like your brand is looking tired, outdated, and unhip. After all, you can't show your portfolio to anyone if they're turned off by the graphics, right?

Well, what if we told you that you can make a big difference by using the right graphics? Drawing is a truly powerful medium, and even those who are art-illiterate can use basic shapes and colors to set their brand apart.

Find out more about some of the hottest graphic design trends! Read on!


Y2k was an iconic graphic design trend that returned in a big way in 2020. Its clear lines and bright colors, combined with sleek fonts, bring a fresh and modern look to any design. It's a style that feels modern and sophisticated but also draws inspiration from the past.

Its minimalistic approach allows designers to make bold and creative statements without taking away from the overall graphic design. Whether it’s a website, logo, or print piece, Y2k graphic design trends can bring a timeless look to any product.


Maximalism is taking over the graphic design industry this year. It is a trend that embraces an opulent aesthetic, with rich colors and textures and plenty of details.

Another way to do this is to remove the bg and place it with a more neutral color. This makes it the perfect way to stand out from the minimalistic competition.

Bold visuals, playful type, and unique hand-drawn illustrations are all staples of the maximalism trend. It’s all about creating impactful visuals that capture the attention of users. Going overboard with visual elements allows designers to push the boundaries, express their creativity, and show their personality.

Experimental Fonts

Experimental fonts are one of this year’s current graphic design trends. Where classic fonts are defined and structured, experimental fonts are fluid and organic. They can be defined by their originality, as each experimental font is often designed to exist on its own, with no roots in existing typefaces.

Being experimental, these new fonts often challenge design conventions, resulting in dynamic designs. The form and style of experimental fonts can also be adapted to fit verbal, visual, and conceptual elements.

However, to do this, you need to know the basics of editing photos, such as how to remove bg and change photo size.

Getting Gothic

The gothic design trend is finding its way back into modern graphic design. This trend combines traditional vintage elements with modern, edgy components to achieve a unique look. Gothic styles are typically ornate, decorative, and bold.

This year we can expect to see an increase in the use of textured materials, dark colors, and vintage typefaces. Long shadows, intricate illustrations and artwork, and Victorian-style drawings are some of the elements that make it an incredibly dynamic trend.

Additionally, texture plays an important role as it adds depth and character to the composition and makes a statement.

Try Out These Graphic Design Trends Today

Overall, some of the hottest graphic design trends this year so far are vintage and 3D typographic designs, dimmed colors, illustrations, and glitch effects. Combining these trends helps develop creative visuals that stand out and grab the attention of potential customers.

As the year progresses, stay up to date on the trends to ensure that your graphics are modern, attractive, and relevant. Try one of the trends now to take your design to the next level!

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