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6 Tips to Pick the Best Water Chiller for Hydroponics


No doubt, chillers are the only way to beat the heat. As an alternative you can use air conditioner but drawback is that it costs much and requires AC servicing after some time. In an industry, where numerous plants and machine work constantly produce lots of heat and to remove the heat from one element and transfer the same into another is the work of a chiller.

Generally, it is a compressor based cooling system that is similar to an air conditioner and the only difference between the both is that it cooled the temperature of liquid instead of air. Its operation and overall set up is very simple and can be easy fulfill within a few minutes.

These are really helpful in providing a stable amount of flow, pressure and temperature, which is a must for its function. Water chiller manufacturers offer it in a wide variety that simply means you have so many options to choose from.

So, take your time and make a decision after analyzing the need of your industry. On the off-chance, you are confused among so many options then you are at a right place. Here is a list of different types of chillers available in the market and their working applications as well, which helps you to take your decision wisely.

Air Cooled Chiller: This is one of the highly demanded of its type because it absorbs heat from the process water and transfers the same to the surrounding air. It actually helps to eliminate the need for the cooling tower and condense water pump. These types of chillers produce extra heat and if its additional heat is not a big issue for you, so, this is the right product for you to purchase.

Water Chiller: These types of chillers generally, absorb heat from process water and transfer the same to a separate water source for its use in further industrial applications. These are mostly used in the industry, where a gallon of cool water is required. It generally has the capability to cool down the temperature up to 20° Celsius.

Portable Chiller: This type of chiller widely used to cool down the temperature from one or more heat generating system. Their demand is always high in various chemical, plastic, rubber or many other industries.

6 Tips for Selecting Water Chiller for Hydroponics:

Determine the heat load:

First and foremost thing to do before purchasing an industrial chiller is to determine the heat load of your industry. There are so many ways to calculate the heat load capacity and for this, you can even take professional help. It totally depends on your application, so, first of all, you have to understand your process to calculate an accurate load.

Determine the coolant type:

While selecting an industrial water chiller for your workplace, don't forget to determine its cooling type, temperature and flow rate that is a must for your process.

Identify the installation environment:

Another important thing to consider while selecting an industrial water chiller is its installation environment. At what place it is going to be installed? This is a must to check because the temperature or climate of indoor or outdoor is totally different. So, you should check that the product you are going to buy is able to withstand different climates or not. Their installation places will also affect its size and other required accessories.

Chiller performance curve:

This will help you to select the right model, which has the capability to meet the demand of your industry.

Check pumps performance:

Don't forget to check the pump performance. This will help you to know that the pump provides the required pressure for flow or not to satisfy the demand of your industry.

Final selection:

Last, but not the least, it's time to check the remaining applications such as power characteristics, control options, footprints, color, size and many other specifications. Choosing a standard industrial chiller bring you greater reliability and good support.

Applications of water chillers systems

Water chillers have been producing cool water to a number of applications such as lasers, vacuum pumps, plastic applications, cutting machines, welding tools, packing machines, microscopes, x-ray machines, among many others. On the other hand, there is a version of water chiller that is small in size, making it the perfect cooling system around houses and facilities. Home chillers are also used for cooling water in the aquarium. Suffice it to say that all home water freezing systems are highly dependable when it comes to meeting the need for chilled water.Best uses of water chillers

1. These chilling machines are reliable alternatives for industrial establishments that boast of fast growth, making the choice of such machine over pumping in city water has become very cost-efficient.

2. Water chiller is a great alternative device for a standard evaporative cooling tower. In fact, chillers have been recognized by industrial experts as even better than cooling tower. It is because coolant fluid makes direct contact with the air in the tower, but can be kept in closed circuits when water chiller system is used.

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