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A Full Range of Plant Support Systems


A Full Range of Plant Support Systems

We’ve previously talked about some of the items that hydroponics systems use in order to support the actual weight of hydroponic plants, but growers in many different scenarios need to think about exactly how to best nurture plants that are likely to struggle to hold their own weight. Many different kinds of hydroponic plants, especially those with heavier fruit, have trouble maintaining balance and equilibrium without some kind of support. It’s critical to think about how your plants will stand the test of time in your hydroponics grow space and getting the right kind of support materials as necessary.

Hanging Plants and Other Strategies

For large vining plants, growers typically don’t mess around with lesser forms of support. Instead, the plants are encouraged to vine either vertically downward, or horizontally, so that there’s no problem with plant support. But for plants that teeter on the edge of supporting their in weight, the issue becomes more nuanced.

On one hand, growers can use simple single plant plastic stemware or other resources to just prop up each individual plant. Other kinds of more in-depth resources involve plant trellis or plant cage systems that give the whole set of plants an opportunity to grow vertically without struggling.

Finding the best kinds of plant support involves looking at whether larger trellises or cages are likely to limit or restrict plant growth according to plant spacing and other parts of your hydroponics setup. For more on how to source the best products for your own projects, get all of the dimensions and talk your hydroponics retailer about what’s best for supporting your plants so that they thrive until harvest.

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