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How to build your own closet grow operation


If you are wanting to build your own grow space in a closet, check out some of these handy tips that we've compiled from growers who have use these kinds of interior spaces to successfully cultivate plants.

Find a Home For Your Gear

One of the first things you want to evaluate with a closet grow is whether or not you have space inside the closet for the reservoir. As the repository for the nutrient-rich water the grows the plants, the reservoir is one of the bulkiest pieces of the puzzle. Figure out if the reservoir can sit on the floor, or if you will route water in from a reservoir out of an exterior room. You also need to find room for the pump, and provide space at the top of the closet for hydroponic grow lights.

Situate Plants

You'll need to figure out where plant pots will go. Some growers use items like PVC piping and cut holes in the top for plant pots. Others grow plants in a tray-table type of setup. Whatever you use, you have to fit it into your closet, and it has to be well supported by a firm, sturdy structure. You don't want to put a whole bunch of work into your operation, just to see the whole thing collapse under pressure. Make sure shelves and other parts of the closet structure are in good shape.

Air Circulation

You'll also need to find a way to take clean air into and out of the closet. You may need vents or fans which you might install in the door, or cut into walls, to make sure plants have access to air that doesn't get stagnant over time. As a matter of fact, you also need to provide circulation for the water, and keep it oxygenated and cleaned.

Energy Sources

Along with routing irrigation piping, you also need energy sources to your pump, which is another important piece of the puzzle. Figure out how you escaped twill snake these cables to the closet to support your grow system.

For more on hydroponics and how to set up different types of successful grow operations, take a look at Dealzer’s comprehensive website. We offer a lot of information on all sorts of issues related to hydroponics. Thanks and happy gardening!

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