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How to Control Odor in your Hydroponics System


When it comes to controlling unwanted odors in your hydroponics grow space, there's a right way and a wrong way to go about this task.

Experienced growers will tell you that without the right tools and resources, it becomes difficult or nearly impossible to keep those strong aromas from coming out of a closed grow box or other grow space, into a room. It's not easy to contain that atmosphere that's micromanaged for plants, and keep it from seeping out into the general air of an interior space.

DIY Odor Control

Some growers tend to use simple tools to try to control odor, but in many cases, they may only partially mask the smells and not eliminate them completely.

One option is to go with an ozone generator. Ozone generators can help with some kinds of pests, and they can cut down on the intensity of odor coming from the grow space, but they're unlikely to eliminate it completely, and some health hazards apply.

Growers can also use certain kinds of air purifiers to try to sanitize the interior air. Again, this might improve the situation, but it's tough to really make these effective against odors.

The aromas that plants give off are intense. In nature, and in the culinary world, that’s part of their value. But it’s not usually a value when you’re trying to nourish plants in a multi-use space. Growers have to try to find resources that will block odors without affecting the innate aroma and flavor of plants, so that when they go to market, they are still fresh and strong-smelling.

Carbon Filters

Carbon filters are an effective way to prevent grow room aromas from escaping the grow box.

Carbon filters can be set up in various ways, attached to the exhaust system of the grow box or grow tent. Dealzer grow boxes come with carbon odor filters that are extremely effective in controlling smells from a grow area. These are sold as part of comprehensive stealth systems that allow for inconspicuous plant growth, where even in high-traffic areas, no one will know that hydroponic gardening is going on. And some of these kinds of kits are made to blend into furniture or otherwise remain unobtrusive in a home or business area.

High-quality carbon filters are just some of the tools that Dealzer grow boxes provide to the community of growers around the world. We help our growers to succeed and make their hydroponic dreams real, to capitalize on one of the most exciting emerging industries of our time -- local food and local growing. Take a look – and happy gardening!

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