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How to get into the Hydroponic Business


People get into hydroponics for a lot of different reasons, but whole lot of them get started hoping to generate some money from their ventures. We've heard this question again and again -- how do you get into the hydroponic business and get started making money off of a small garden operation?

The answers really depend on a lot of specifics, such as where you are, what kind of funding you have, what your market is like, etc. But some fundamental guidelines can help.

Invest in the Best Gear and Equipment

Your hydroponic business isn't going to be very effective unless you have an efficient way to generate really nice-looking produce. That means having the right hydroponic gear in place, including hydroponic grow lights, irrigation systems, air and water handling systems, sterile plant media and more.

Take a look at Dealzer for 1500 pieces of equipment you can use to set up a working grow room.

Secure Funding

Think about how you will get the money that you’ll use to operate the business. Too many small businesses fail because they are essentially cash-strapped, so that they don't have enough on hand to making the business work. You can use a combination of business loans, microlending, informal family and investments and venture capital. Just make sure the money is there for you to buy your equipment start your operations.

Assess the Tax Angle

Nearly everything we do as a livelihood relates to our annual filings. Look at what types of things you may be able to deduct, how you will report profits, etc.

Find your Markets

A hydroponic business is nothing without distribution. Figure out who will be helping you to distribute products to a consumer base. You can sell at farmer’s markets or in supermarkets. You can sell at roadside stands or to a CSA box system. But at the end of the day, you need customers to make the business work well.

These are just some of the basic things involved in starting a small commercial cooperation in hydroponics. For more on everything related to this innovative field, take a look at the Dealzer website and get an idea of what other people are doing with these sorts of projects. Then use our product catalog to set yourself up for success.

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