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How to Properly Clean Your Dealzer Grow Box


One of the most important but often overlooked aspects of hydroponic gardening is cleaning a grow box or grow space in between plant cycles.

Experienced growers will tell you, though, that cleaning is important -- just like cleaning up your dorm room or your bathroom or kitchen, cleaning a grow area keeps it sanitary and useful for the future.

Here are some of the fundamental guidelines for cleaning a grow box to provide for additional use.

Pest Control

Lots of growers actually recommend fumigating larger grow boxes or grow areas to deal with roaches, fleas, mites or other kinds of pests. Seasoned growers will sometimes recommend bug bombing a set up in between plant cycles and taking precautions to protect more sensitive parts of the system.

This is especially important when bugs are attracted to certain kinds of plants growing in a hydroponics environment.

Topical Cleaners

For plant pots and other equipment, there are range of soaps and oils that work well to disinfect or clean surfaces. Hydrogen peroxide is a popular cleaner for hydroponics, and you can get it in large quantities from hydroponics manufacturers.

Some of these materials can help you with mold or mildew buildup in a reservoir or other places where stagnant water and dissolved solids have created messy, sticky situations.

Removing Debris

You'll also want to take time to remove dead or withered plant stems, leaves or leaf parts and other debris from a grow space. Left alone, these items can breed bacteria or make it more difficult to maintain the system. Think of this as similar to the fall leaf raking that you would do on a property -- except in a small grow box you don't need to use a leaf blower!

Inspect Vents and Air Circulation Equipment

It’s a good idea to also inspect air vents and fans to make sure they're not clogged or obstructed by debris.

These essential parts of your grow system help plants to stay comfortable and get them levels of oxygen and other elements that they need. A stagnant environment can harm plants. Do a quick check of both the air and water handling equipment between plant cycles to make sure they're working well.

These are some of the biggest areas of cleaning and maintenance for in between individual plant cycles. For more, take a look at what Dealzer offers as a trusted hydroponics retailer to help individual gardeners achieve what they set out to do with this innovative, emerging gardening practice.

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