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What About When You Have No Clue?


What About When You Have No Clue?

Whereas many beginning growers think that they already know all there is to know about hydroponics, some others are a lot more self-aware. Newbies in the hydroponics field often express their own opinions on their relative inexperience, pointing out that they have nothing to go on in terms of personal history with hydroponics or greenhouse gardening.

Can You Read Too Much?

Some beginning growers fall into the trap of trying to get a definitive or comprehensive guide to growing that will allow them to just ‘not think’ about some of the tougher plant science that’s involved. This can be a big mistake, since there’s really no one definitive guide that can allow growers to simply make their way through a project without any kind of decision-making or maintenance plan. However, reading a reasonable amount from a few sources can obviously help. Growers can also get all whole lot of support from quality retailers to understand the needs of people who have never gardened before. Just ask some basic questions when talking to your retailer’s customer service reps, and you’re likely to get a clearer idea of where you want to go with a hydroponic project.

Your Own Hydroponics Philosophy

One reason that it’s so impossible to just instruct growers ‘robotically’ about hydroponic plant science is that a lot of the decisions growers make comes from their own philosophies about what’s best for plants. Some will want open-air grow room atmospheres, where others will want compact grow systems that offer plants their own unique environment. Some will want specially formulated nutrient packs that don’t require them to know a lot of chemistry, where others will want to micro-manage, partly in order to correct pH value issues and tackle other tough challenges that may happen within a given plant cycle.

For these kinds of questions, there’s really no right or wrong answer. All kinds of new and inexperienced growers can get a lot more useful information directly from the retailers that stand behind a wide range of products for diverse hydroponics needs.

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