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How to get kids to eat healthier with Hydroponics


If you’re a parent, you’ve probably heard this before.

“I don’t like that!”

Even if your kid started out the best eater in the world, he or she probably picked up some palate prejudices along the way. Toddlers and young children just aren’t that open to a wide range of foods in general.

So how do you get them to eat right?

The Full Dinner Table

There are lots of things that that experts recommend for making kids less picky about what they eat. A lot of it is simply conditioning – some of your child’s dinnertime prejudices come from what you raised them with. But there’s also the idea that some kids don’t like particular textures, taste or colors. That’s part of what’s led celebrities like Jerry Seinfeld’s wife to craft prize-winning cookbooks about how to hide things like spinach or other greens and pancakes, bread or other prepared foods.

Hydroponics and Good Food

Another way to make good food more palatable to kids is through hydroponics.

You could call this ‘contextualizing’ food – what it does is help the child place more value on it. Your child sees this food growing, and it piques their interests. They may be asking questions like ‘how do the cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes etc. grow? They might start calling them “baby” vegetables and getting attached to them. That’s going to make it easier to sell these items to the picky eater when they’re on their dinner plate in front of them.

As they grow, kids also learn about the value of food and everything else from their parents. So if they see you cultivating food, cultivating a connection with vegetables and fruit, they’re more likely to go out on a limb and explore these kinds of additions to meals.

You don’t want your kid eating chicken nuggets the rest of his or her life – but that’s not the only reason to get involved in hydroponics. Along with good health, a lower carbon footprint, and more power over what you eat, there are lots of reasons that people are now getting on hydroponics bandwagon and starting to use the power of hydroponics equipment to their advantage.

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