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Common Electrical Problems That You Shouldn't Try To Fix By Yourself


Electricity has changed our lives so much that it is difficult to imagine even a day without it. We are so dependent on the supply of electricity that even a short circuit can ruin our day. However, the constant supply of electricity has made us desensitized to its dangers. This is why rather than calling an electrician, we try to fix the electrical problems at home. This is not only dangerous, it’s a life-threatening hazard. We have compiled a list of common electrical problems that you shouldn’t try to fix by yourself.

Hot Outlets

It is normal for electrical appliances such as irons or toasters to get hot while they’re plugged in. However, the outlet itself should not be getting hot. If you find that a specific appliance is causing it to get warm, you can try plugging it into some other outlet. But, if the problem persists, unplug all the switches and call an electrician to fix the problem. Hot outlets are usually caused by faulty wires or loose connections. This is why it is best to let a professional deal with it.

Bulb Burnouts

If you face frequent bulb burnouts, it is possible that you may have some wattage problem or you may not be using good quality bulbs. If the bulbs are not an issue, then there is a possibility that there is some faulty wire that may be causing your bulbs to burn out so frequently. The local electricians in Mandurah suggest that it is good to replace your bulbs with LED bulbs if you haven’t already. LED bulbs do not heat up easily as incandescent bulbs and they’re also longer lasting, safe, and durable. A burning odor can be another sign of a loose connection. It is good to contact a professional when it comes to dealing with faulty wires as any wrong move can give you a shock or even cause a fire.

Flickering Lights

Flickering lights may not be a sign of your house being haunted, but there is a possibility that you may have circuit problems. If it is just one bulb that’s causing you problems, then the solution could be pretty simple. But, if multiple lights are flickering then there is a possibility that there could be a problem with electricity at the circuit breaker box. It is best to call a professional electrician to fix it up for you.

Frequent Power Surges

It is a circuit breaker’s job to protect the electric power system from overloading. This is why when a lot of electricity flows through the circuit, it shuts down. Also known as tripping, this usually happens to prevent any potential fires. If the tripping occurs frequently, it would be good to get the electric panel checked by a professional.

Well, there you have it! We hope that after reading this article you will not try to take matters into your own hands when it comes to fixing common but serious electrical problems at home. The dangers of fixing electrical problems at home range from electrical shocks to serious electrocution and even fire in extreme situations. It is always better to call a professional electrician rather than putting your life and that of your loved ones in danger.

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