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Do Autoflowers Produce Seeds?


Cannabis plants have been around for a long time, and the market for them keeps growing. Because of this, different hybrids have been made by crossing two dominant hybrids. Autoflower is one such cannabis hybrid. However, several questions have arisen for cannabis breeders and farmers in the wake of autoflower's popularity. Does autoflower produce much yield? What are the benefits of growing this cannabis hybrid? This article covers all you need to know about 420 autoflower seeds.

Will an Autoflower Produce Autoflower Seeds?

Yes, if you properly pollinate the female autoflower plant. Getting the breed of cannabis plant you want is always dependent on pollination. If you pollinate the autoflower seeds with autoflower pollen, it will produce a pure autoflower seed during harvest. However, this process is stressful and practical with autoflower plants grown indoors.

Are Autoflowers Feminized Seeds?

This question has proven to be one of the most difficult to answer in the cannabis industry. It has been a general cause for confusion among growers and enthusiasts. These days, most, if not all, autoflowering seeds are feminized. Technology always strives to make things better. Hence, they use autoflowering seeds to speed up the growing process and make it as streamlined as possible.

Autoflowering seeds can grow without light cycles, while feminized seeds require regular light cycles. Also, autoflowers have only female genetics. Thus, autoflowers only produce female buds and plants. If an autoflowering seed isn't feminized, there's a 50% chance it will be a male plant. And male plants cause trouble for growers.

What Are Autoflowering Seeds?

It's all in the name - autoflowering. Autoflowering seeds are seeds that produce flowers on their own. Autoflowering seeds are self-sufficient when it comes to light. They don't require light to grow and develop like other seeds. Hence, instead of autoflowering seeds growing and maturing with light cycles, they flourish once the plant reaches a certain age. In previous years, cultivators believed autoflowering seeds weren't as potent as regular growing seeds. But with technological advancements and positive steps taken through research, you can find autoflowering plants that are as potent as regular cannabis plants. Hence, they have as much THC and CBD potency in them.

Do Autoflowers Produce Male Plants?

Yes, they do. Autoflowers grown under stressful conditions tend to produce male flowers. The male flower production by autoflowering seeds is a natural stress response. The autoflower does this to reduce the chances of the plant being pollinated by stressed-out insects. This stress reaction might be good, but if it continues, it will hurt your yield in the long run. If your seeds produce male flowers, you will end up with lower-quality products. Furthermore, if you use too much light to cultivate your farm, the autoflower will also turn male. It is best to expose your autoflowers to at least 12 hours of constant sunlight to get better-quality products. If you put on the lights for any longer than this, they'll start to show signs of stress, producing male flowers.

Another viable reason autoflowers turn male is that they aren't getting enough nutrients. Autoflowers require a diet rich in nutrients so they can thrive and flower. They will start showing stress signs if they lack the nutrients they need.

Autoflowers will also adapt and turn male if they get too much water. Autoflowers aren't big fans of water logging. Hence, they will start showing signs the moment you overwater them. Ultimately, autoflowers turning male is a survival mechanism. However, as stated before, you may not want this. This isn't a good scenario because it will hurt your yield in the long run, and you will suffer losses at harvest.

Why Do Autoflowers Seed?

Autoflowers are one of the easiest ways to grow cannabis. The strain is very adaptable to light conditions around it. It is very easy to grow both outdoors and indoors. You don't have to labor as much as you would with other cannabis strains because autoflowers require less maintenance to keep them going. These traits the strain boasts make it easy for both beginners and professionals to make the most of their time. You don't need to pay the strain that much attention for it to blossom.

Why Are Autoflowers Great for Beginners?

Autoflowers are the perfect choice for beginners because they flower a few weeks after germination. They earned the name autoflower for this reason. Other cannabis strains are more used to requiring stimulants before they can start forming buds. However, autoflower starts its flowering process once it is sufficiently above ground level.

Most autoflowering plants maintain a height below waist level. Hence, they don't grow into tall plants. They usually stay between two to three meters. However, some autoflower seeds can grow into tall plants, but the breeder usually marks them before they are sold to you. Furthermore, autoflowers are great seeds for beginners because they are usually ready for harvest around two to three months after germination.

A regular cannabis strain would require four to five months of warm, humid weather before the fall to produce optimally. These requirements make it difficult to cultivate these strains all year round. Unlike traditional cannabis strains, you don't have to meet half of these requirements to cultivate your plant.

Autoflowers and Conditioning

Autoflowers can grow in any condition, but to get the best yield, you need to ensure each of the conditions mentioned above is met. These conditions are perfect for growers looking to grow their plants during a short summer. You can also squeeze in some yield during warm winter if you want to plant twice a year. Furthermore, autoflowers aren't light-dependent. Regular cannabis strains are dependent on light cycles to grow and mature. However, autoflowers need minimal light to grow. This feature is useful, especially if you're growing indoors and want to cut down on electricity costs. Unlike traditional cannabis strains distorted by light supply, autoflowers can grow in any condition.

You usually don't have to worry about gender with autoflowering buds. When it comes to autoflowering strains, you must create conditions for a male flowering bud yourself. In regular situations, autoflowers always produce female flowers. Almost all the autoflowers that are sold on the market are feminine. Hence, when you purchase an autoflower seed, you can get a female plant. Thus, every autoflower you put in the soil grows into a female autoflower plant. You don't have to be worried about seeds or pollination as you would with male buds. With regular traditional strains, you must hand-pick male plants and eliminate them after they germinate. This process wastes time and resources. It will reduce your yield since you're not growing enough female cannabis buds.

Where Do Autoflower Seeds Come From?

Autoflower seeds are descendants of a wild hemp species that grows in Siberia, the Cannabis Ruderalis. Cannabis Ruderalis is the cousin of cannabis strains Sativa and Indica, both powerful THC-producing plants.

You probably haven't heard of Cannabis Ruderalis because it isn't popular for THC creation. It produces very small amounts of THC, but due to natural adaptation. They have extremely short summers in Siberia. Hence, the cannabis strain adapted to the environment. Part of this adaptation is the production of flowers shortly after germination with minimal sunlight.

Scientists saw this strain's potential, started experimenting with it, and ultimately tried to improve its yield. Scientists began crossbreeding the Ruderalis strain with strains like Sativa and Indica, which are famous for their THC and CBD content. They also tried several other strains, but the hybrids weren't meeting the required expectations. However, with careful testing and crossbreeding from generation to generation, they arrived at the autoflower seed.

How Many Seeds Does an Autoflower Plant Produce?

If you get a 100% crossbred autoflower plant, you can get well over 1000 seeds per plant. However, getting an autoflower plant that is 100% autoflower is a little difficult and quite expensive. But if you pull this off, you will have a large inventory of beans to keep for the next planting season.

Some breeders have adopted breeding their autoflower plants to get a 100% autoflower breed. But this process is time-consuming. This process also requires some expertise to pull off. Not all breeders may have the patience for such a process. Hence, it would be best if you could get a grower willing to sell you a pure autoflower plant.


Autoflower seeds are some of the most yielding cannabis seeds on the planet. One of these seeds, when fully grown, can produce over 1000 autoflower seeds. Growing this cannabis strain is beneficial to professionals and beginners alike. It is of little surprise its seeds are expensive to purchase.

Do autoflowers produce seeds? Yes, they do. You can get autoflower seeds when you plant yours in your garden. However, it would help if you properly taken care of these autoflower seeds to enjoy quality outputs. If you fail to expose these seeds to good conditions, you will get low-quality male flowers.

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