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Does Your University Have a Hydroponics Blog?


Does Your University Have a Hydroponics Blog?

If you’re looking for good sources of information on hydroponic gardening, one likely place to look is at the web site of a college or university. Many schools are now embracing the idea that hydroponics is a cutting-edge agricultural technology that is going to provide a major amount of food for future world populations. Hydroponics is also a good tool for teaching science, which is another reason why schools are setting up their own resources based around learning more about greenhouse or hydroponics gardening.

Utilizing Academic Resources

Schools with hydroponics web sites will often have information about the kinds of growing that get done in classroom programs, or promotional materials about education programs around hydroponics and related agriculture. These sites may also have interactive forums and other opportunities for you to read about how other growers have pursued projects, and what has worked well for them in the past. Participating in these kinds of venues can help you to get more information for your own projects while allowing you to also reach out to others and network about hydroponics in your community.

Getting More Involved

For those who are interested in a more ‘socially connected’ hydroponics project, college or university sites can be a great place to start. Volunteering to talk to local audiences can give your hydroponics project more visibility and a bigger footprint within a community, while helping to give back by counseling or giving tips to newer growers.

If you’re thinking about different kinds of hydroponics outreach and may need some additional tools, resources or equipment, your hydroponics retailer can help. Call and ask about any extras that can enhance your ability to maintain your project and educate around hydroponic plant science in your community.

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