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Here Is What You Need To Know About Led Grow Lights


The purchase of LED grows lights is always influenced by the fact that they tend to be more energy-efficient, cost-effective, and better for the environment. Many new people try to save themselves the money involved by buying used or refurbished LED grow lights instead of brand new ones because of their Overvoltage protection.

However, many things should be considered before purchasing a second-hand grow light system. The price may seem very attractive, but you could lose out in one way or another making this option not so cheap after all.

So what should you know before making an informed choice about purchasing second-hand growing equipment?

The Differences Between A Second Hand And New Grow Light System

When it comes to LED grow lights, you are looking at the same technology, whether brand new or second-hand. However, there are many differences involved, which you need to be aware of before making an informed choice.

For example, if you buy a used light system, it would have already been in use for some time, and nature has taken its share of wear and tear. The heat sinks inside may have scratches, dents, or even broken fins meaning the cooling system is compromised, leading to reduced performance down the line.

The next thing to consider is that although most manufacturers warranty their equipment for between one and three years depending on the components used, this does not mean it will remain working long after this period elapses. Compared to a second-hand unit, a new grow light system will still be under warranty for a certain amount of time.

A faulty heat sink could lead to a cascade effect that begins to affect other nearby components due to insufficient cooling. Even if the LED chips are working fine now, you could have another serious issue in the days or weeks that follow.

In addition, it is difficult to be sure about how much use a second hand growing light has had since there may be no way of knowing for sure whether they have been used continuously or cycled on and off. Cycling can seriously reduce the lifespan of an LED grow light system, mainly if not carried out correctly. Although they have very low power consumption, they will begin adding up when run for short periods.

What You Need To Know About LED Grow Light Hanging Kits

Another factor to consider when purchasing second-hand growing equipment is how it was installed and what sort of hanging kit was used. The type and weight of the lighting system will determine the kind of hanging kit you need and what specification it must be to safely support this weight without causing any damage to the ceiling or structure above.

Suppose a heavy light system weighing 20lbs or greater is hung from a standard homemade hook. In that case, there could be serious consequences if this part fails, such as broken electrical wiring, leading to short circuits, or overheating, which could start a fire. Suppose there are no instructions in your purchase explaining how each component worked together, including the hanging kit. In that case, there is no way to determine what must be replaced or discarded.

Of course, the best option would be to ask about these details if buying from someone you are not familiar with since they could have valuable information regarding how it was used during its time of operation.

Where It May Be Best To Buy A New Grow Light System Instead Of A Second Hand One

Although LED grows lights may look expensive compared with other lighting systems designed for growing indoor plants, they will save you money in terms of running costs and greatly reduce your electricity bill several years down the line. The initial cost might seem high, but when you factor in all these savings over a year or more, it makes much more financial sense than using traditional halogen or HPS lighting.

Another point to keep in mind is that you will not be able to resell a second-hand light and use this money towards part of your new purchase as many people do when making any major purchase such as a car. It may still be worth buying replacement parts that can be fitted if needed or even purchasing another hanging kit if suitable for this purpose during its previous life with another grower.

Before Buying Second Hand LED Grow Lights And Equipment, Do Your Homework First!

You can ask about installation and whether any problems are using an existing system since the cooling fins could have been bent slightly due to heat build-up during operation. If installing yourself, you may be able to get away with using some parts and simply purchasing new cooling fins instead of a completely new system or hanging kit.

Another helpful tip is to measure the actual dimensions of each component. If one was bought second-hand, since there could be slight differences in size between brands and models, it will not fit like it should unless the measurements are incredibly accurate. It is always best to buy from reputable companies such as LED Grow Lights Depot to read unbiased reviews submitted by users who have had previous experience with their products.

Wrapping Up!

Before you spend any money on a second-hand LED grow light system that you have no real knowledge about, always consider the overall costs of buying and running it compared to a brand new one. You must also check whether or not all components, such as the hanging kit, will be compatible since you may need to replace some parts due to age-related issues such as rusting if they were initially used outdoors.

We hope this article was informative for you, and you will come to know about the things you never knew before after reading this article.

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