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How Living In The Countryside Positively Impacts Your Mental Health


The countryside is a place of tranquility and serenity. It's where we go to escape the stresses and strains of city life and take in nature at its most unspoiled. But countryside living also offers some surprising mental health benefits. The slower pace has been shown to reduce stress levels, while the fresh air and countryside views improve moods as well as boost cognitive function. We explore these benefits further - stay tuned!

Living in the countryside can help with stress relief

The countryside offers a quieter pace of life where we can escape the hustle and bustle of city living. It helps us recharge our batteries from everyday stress by putting some farming and country living in our lives, plus it's full of beautiful nature - which has been shown to have huge mental health benefits!

Studies show that being near trees and greenery is an excellent way to reduce stress levels (after all, countryside views are often the definition of serenity). A research study at Stanford University found that participants who worked outside in nature for just half an hour could significantly reduce their levels of cortisol - a hormone linked to stress.

Another study by Texas Tech University showed how stressed-out medical students had lower blood pressure and heart rate after spending time outdoors than those who were cooped up indoors or even working from home.

Spending more time in natural surroundings is also great news for mental health: it's been shown to improve moods as well as boost cognitive function (helping us feel happier and sharper) - so country walks really can be good medicine!

The country has less pollution than the city

This reduces the risk of asthma and other lung conditions, and can even improve symptoms in those who already have conditions like COPD or emphysema.

The countryside is less polluted than the city, so it's better for people with respiratory problems - such as asthma and bronchitis (and can actually help reduce existing symptoms).

A study by Harvard University found that children living near busy roads had a greater risk of developing childhood asthma. Living closer to green spaces was found to decrease this risk: one study showed how kids were half as likely to develop an allergy if they lived near greenery compared with just 13% who lived on busy streets surrounded by more concrete!

Researchers believe that trees and vegetation act as air filters - trapping pollution before it reaches your lungs.

The country is a great place to get back to nature

The countryside is a great place to take part in physical activities such as walking, cycling, and horse-riding. It's also fantastic for mental health: spending time outdoors has been shown to boost moods and even reduce stress levels - making it an effective form of de-stressing therapy!

A research project at Cardiff University showed how just 15 minutes in natural surroundings could improve moods while boosting concentration too... So pack your bag for countryside living today!

There are more animals living in rural areas

This could be good for animal lovers who need some company or stimulation in their lives!

The countryside is a great place to see more animals.

Studies show that owning pets - or just being around them regularly - can boost our moods and help us feel less lonely. A study by the University of Buffalo found that pet owners had lower levels of anxiety than those who didn't own furry friends...

Plus it's been shown that playing with dogs actually boosts serotonin levels in the brain: this chemical makes you happier so spending time with your pup really does make perfect sense if you're feeling low.

You don't have to worry about loud noises all day long

Living in the countryside means you're far less likely to be disturbed by loud noises all day long because there are no sirens or shouting. City noise can be a huge problem for mental health: it's been linked to stress and even anxiety. One study showed that people living in the countryside were happier than those who lived by loud train lines...

And the countryside is obviously free from traffic too! Noise pollution has also been shown to raise blood pressure, so escape urban noise today if you can - something as simple as turning off your mobile could help give you some peace and quiet (and make you feel calmer).

Do you live in the country? If so, congratulations! Living in the countryside has many benefits for your mental health. For one thing, it's much quieter than living near a busy city with lots of noise to keep you up at night. You'll also experience less air pollution and have more space to enjoy nature. And if that weren't enough, there are even more animals around - who doesn't love seeing cows or horses running through green fields every day? Now that we've shared some reasons why living outside of town is pretty great, does this mean you should pack your bags and move out into the middle of nowhere tomorrow?

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