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How to Clean your Dealzer GrowBox


When you’re working with a grow box or other closed grow space for several plant cycles, you’ll need to do different kinds of cleaning as part of regular maintenance. Here are some of the things you might want to look out for in keeping your grow box sanitary and in good condition for future plants.

Clean Reservoir

One of the most obvious areas of hydroponic cleaning is the reservoir. During plant cycles, you’ll be checking for dissolved solids that can build up in the reservoir space. In between cycles, you may be scraping some gunk off of the sides of the reservoir, where it has built up over time.

Plant Pots

Other kinds of hydroponics cleaning have to do with maintaining sterile media and clean plant pots. In between cycles, you can go over the plant holders with natural acids or some other kind of cleaning agent to get rid of some of the buildup. You also want to change sterile media to keep that relatively clean.

Pruning Plants and Taking Care of Debris

As you go along, you may also be looking at pruning plants, and clipping off dead material and getting rid of it. You want to make sure that dead leaves and other bits don’t end up contaminating grow beds, so there’s some general cleaning involved in that process.

Cleaning Grow Light Surfaces

Sometimes your grow box will also accumulate some dirt or grime on the grow lights.

You can take some light cleaner and scrub the bulb housing surfaces to get them clean again.

Air and Water Handling

One other important step is to check that air and water handling equipment are working property. You can even get some kinds of buildup in these systems, where cleaning or other maintenance can help. For example, you may need to change air or water filters as part of a grow box cleaning project.

The bottom line is that you need to look out for all of the aspects of your grow box so that it can work properly for future cycles. Cleaning and maintenance are part of the routine labor of working on these systems to grow fresh food for your family.

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