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How to impress people with Hydroponics


If you’re like a whole lot of growers, part of your attraction to hydroponics gardening had to do with your ego. It’s pretty well-established that a lot of us get started in hydroponics partly just to show off our skills and our knowledge of science and technology. After all, building hydroponics project takes a good amount of knowledge and intelligence as well as some manual labor and investment of time – but how exactly do hydroponics startup entrepreneurs or hobbyists get the kind of curb appeal that they want for their gardens? Here are some easy ways to make your garden more impressive and compelling to visitors.

Utilize New Home Space Designs

One of the biggest trends in hydroponics growing right now is the idea of integrating hydroponics grow kits or grow chambers into a room of a home. Since hydroponics often goes on inside a house, this kind of integration makes sense. For example, a hydroponics grow chamber built into a butcher block in a kitchen, or into a wall space above a sink or refrigerator, makes a lot of sense and often looks very impressive to visitors. Other designs have hydroponics gardens build into rec rooms or living room areas in a way that provides a great aesthetic result as well as a way to grow veggies herbs and other plants on your own.

Invest in Automation

Another way that growers are getting super impressive gardens is to invest in more automation for grow lights, air handling fans and everything else attached to the garden. Some designs can even include remote controls for tablet or smart phone to create even more of an impression of control on the part of the grower. These neat tricks can really amaze friends and family or anyone else taking a look at your hydroponics garden for the first time.

Build in Change Management

Some of the other most impressive designs in hydroponics involve plant trays or other structures that are able to move around easily to accommodate different phases of plant development. For example, modular containers that can easily take plants through germination, seedling and mature stages can not only save manual labor but also wow the crowds who drop into observed hydroponics gardening on a regular basis.

These are just some of the ways that hard-working growers build impressive hydroponic systems in homes or other spaces.

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