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Hydroponic Grower New Year's Resolutions


Ready for 2015? Lots of the hydroponics growers we know could benefit from some of these common New Year's resolutions to jumpstart projects in the new year, and get more success shepherding plants toward harvest.

Keeping the Reservoir Cleaned and Comfortable for Plants

One of the biggest new year’s resolutions we've seen for growers is to do better adjusting the pH value, temperature and humidity of reservoir water, along with maintaining good sanitation for a space, limiting items like chlorine, and dealing with total dissolved solids. More day-to-day maintenance means a cleaner, better hydroponic environment which can really show through in your plant results.

Keeping Stuff Organized

What about those times when you just can't find a small pruning shears to do a little maintenance on plants? Or you don't know where the right nutrient bottle or pH adjuster is? Scrambling to find these kinds of items can be one of the most frustrating parts of the growing process. Put this item on your New Year's resolutions list to get a lot more convenience for maintaining your plants day-to-day.

Doing More Plant Cycle Research

If you're cultivating a large number of plants, there are probably some small details that you keep meaning to look into, but keep putting off. Are your light dark cycles adjusted properly? What about nutrients in vegetative and flowering stages? Make it part of your goal to sit down and do a little more research to make yourself more knowledgeable and capable in handling your plants.

Doing More Promotion and Distribution

We talk a lot about maintaining plant growth, but some of the biggest problems for some growers are related to what you do with all of that produce after you've grown and harvested it. Do you have easy, reliable distribution channels? If not, make sure you address this as part of your new year’s planning. Put some work into promoting your hydroponics operation if it's a small commercial one, and you'll see more success of 2015. For hobbyists, talk to friends and family and figure out where you could take your extra garden produce.

Manage Your Labor Workload

Managing a lot of hydroponic plants can take a lot of time out of your schedule. Part of your New Year's resolution might also be to perfect your work/life balance and figure out how to combine your hydroponic growing time with your work and family time, to give you a better quality of life during those times when you're maintaining your crop cycles.

These are just some of the New Year's goals that will get you closer to achieving your hydroponics goals in 2015. Make sure to always check on the kinds of modern gear that manufacturers and retailers are offering to meet your hydroponic experience easier and better.

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