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Light Cycles Explained


Some hydroponics beginners have never heard of light cycles, and this is a very important part of growing. It's critical to understand the role that light has in photosynthesis, and how it's used in indoor or greenhouse hydroponics gardens to give plants the maximum chance of success.

Why Light Cycles?

Light and dark cycles are critically important for plants, because they imitate the natural conditions that plants always grew in prior to advance of new technology. Just as humans and animals conform to a night and day schedule, so do plants, and light can trigger certain kinds of developmental changes in plant varieties. The plant has its own circadian rhythms that react to the light and dark, and that has an impact on plant outcomes.

Sealing Out Light

In addition to providing light and dark cycles, it's important to seal out light during the dark cycles so that plants don't get confused. This may require cloaking the grow space in thick, heavy material, or paying attention to any small cracks or other places where light can get in.

Changing Light/Dark Cycles

In addition, some growers may try to change light and dark cycles to accommodate different types of growth.

One example is the difference between vegetative and flowering stages. Growers may switch from a “light all the time” approach to one that uses an 18 hours of light and six hours of darkness cycle. However, there's really no convention for the cycles that growers choose to use, and many have their own opinions on what types of light and dark cycles are best for plants.

Light Spectrum and Intensity

In order for light to work well for hydroponics, it has to have enough luminosity to really reach plants in a certain intensity. The grow lights also have to have the right spectrum of red and blue light to work well for plants. Growers use specific technologies such as metal halite or high pressure sodium bulbs. A new product called LED or light emitting diode is also popular in hydroponics.

Light is just one aspect of putting together grow boxes and grow systems that work. Hydroponics growers have to pay close attention to things like temperature, humidity and ph value. They need to keep pruning plants and warding off bacterial infestations. All of this involves using modern tools to grow healthy harvests, and paying attention to the particular environment that plants grow in, including both the air in the upper part of the space, and the water serving root systems.

For more, check out what Dealzer offers with 1500 keys of equipment for growers. Take a look at our blog and social media forums for more information on how to do hydroponics well.

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