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Mixing Indoor and Outdoor Hydroponics Techniques for Optimal Production


A lot of people think of hydroponics as “only an indoor thing” -- but other growers practice hydroponics outside, in greenhouses, on in a kind of hybrid setup. So why would you blend indoor and outdoor elements hydroponics? Some of the answers have to do with efficient use of resources to help plants grow without soil, and how both the indoor and outdoor environments offer their own benefits.

Using Natural Light

Artificial light gives you a hundred percent control over plants, but natural light has its own benefit. It's cheaper, and for some growers, it just feels better to nourish plants under the warm and comforting light of the sun. Besides, you can’t burn plants with natural sunlight. So think about integrating natural light and artificial light into the hydroponics setup.

Different Types of Flow Systems

One of the most conventional systems for hydroponics, especially indoor hydroponics, is the deep water culture system, where plant roots simply rest in water. But there are other types of hydroponic systems more commonly associated with outdoor systems. For instance, one of them is called an ebb and flow technology. In many of these systems, there's either a horizontal or sloped table, and water gets dribbled from one end to the other. This type of natural hydroponics is associated with outdoor systems that are relatively low-tech, where there might be more hands-on labor involved. Mix and match these systems for some great results.

Allowing Airflow While Protecting Hydroponic Plants

Another major intersection in indoor and outdoor hydroponics methods is related to air circulation.

A lot of growers are going to want to keep a hydroponic environment closed to the outdoor climate. They want to cultivate a certain temperature and humidity that may not be matched to the external climate. But they can still use natural sunlight and some of the other methods above, to give their hydroponic project more of a natural feel, or use more of the natural resources found outdoors. They can even import outdoor air through very specific venting processes.

These are just some of the considerations you'll have for a hydroponics project. For more, look at what modern retailers and manufacturers offer you to make your hydroponics dreams a reality.

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