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Multi-Use for Hydroponics Projects


Multi-Use for Hydroponics Projects

Among many larger growers who are trying to save money, some common ideas stay in regular circulation. One of these is how to make a hydro project area into a ‘multi-use’ facility. That said, not every grower thinks about hoe a grow room or space might be perfect for something other than growing plants. Here are some ideas that we think are kind of neat that can help growers do more with their investments in hydro gardening.

Grow and Brew

For the wine or beer enthusiast, or anyone daring enough to tackle the art of brewing, this kind of project can go great with a hydroponic garden. Branching out into beverages can give your project some added appeal, and a more diverse product line. Areas not used, such as under grow tables, can hold the large tanks needed for high volume brewing.

Hydro Tours

Another great way to add to a gardening project is to offer tours of the facility, giving visitors a glimpse into what it takes to grow vegetables or other plants without soil. This can help get a community more educated about the art of hydroponics, while adding a revenue stream for a grower.

Flora and Fauna

In some cases, we’ve even seen gardeners add certain kinds of pets to the equation. Small lizards or other roving critters can be a great visual addition, and in some cases, they can even help with certain kinds of pests.

For more on how to optimize your next hydro project, take a look at the catalog of your hydroponics retailer and think about what kinds of gear and equipment you need to start the garden of your dreams. The best vendors can support your plans and offer the kinds of nuts and bolts advice that you need for success.

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