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New Hydroponics Light Distribution Methods


New Hydroponics Light Distribution Methods

As the world of hydroponics continues to expand, and additional communities get involved in their own kinds of small-scale or commercial gardening, there’s been a lot of attention to how different kinds of designs can allow for light and water distribution to all of the plants involved in a single plant cycle. Growers sometimes talk about ‘corner plants’ and how they get crowded out in traditional hydroponics grow box designs. Manufacturers are now using innovative methods to accommodate various kinds of plant growth that will help make sure certain plants don’t get left out.

New-Tech Spinners and Other Rotating Technologies

One option for controlling light distribution is to have plants constantly revolve around a specific axis or center. Some new designs use this kind of strategy to make sure that all of the plants get the full light spectrum that they need to grow well. There is also aesthetic element to these kinds of grow box solutions, where designers are always looking at how they grow chamber or grow box will fit into the style of an interior space.

Other Kinds of Equal Distribution Grow Boxes

One issue with spinning or rotating gardens is the cost required to design and build them, as well as the additional energy that it takes constantly revolve a disc or tray within the container. Other manufacturers make lower-budget grow boxes that still distribute light to corner plants efficiently, without requiring additional moving parts. These grow boxes will advertise their ability to treat plants equally within a given growth cycle.

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