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NFT: New Hydro Setups for 2013


NFT: New Hydro Setups for 2013

When we talk to large numbers of hydroponics growers about their approaches to these kinds of projects, we’re often surprised at how few of them have heard about some of them newest and most innovative techniques for hydroponic gardening. One of these that a lot of people are talking about is NFT or nutrient film technique, a method that’s focused on getting the right amount of nutrient solution directly to plant roots.

What is Nutrient Film Technique?

In nutrient film technique, growers direct shallow flows of water to the roots of plants in narrow channels. Specific plant housing constructions ensure that the roots get adequate access to both air and water, and that root balls grow in such a way that they are continuously exposed to the necessary materials – those building these projects often talk about variables like slope or flow rate that help to determine how much water gets through the roots at a given time. These products also often require electrical operating systems like pumps or air handling components.

Many NFT systems thrive on a rather large volume of water circulating at a rather high rate – some experts give an estimation of 1 liter per minute for the average NFT project. It’s also important to have the right build, where the roots are encouraged to access the nutrient solution in specific ways.

If you are interested in planning some of these more sophisticated hydroponics projects, ask your hydroponics retailer about what they can do to help out in offering the most efficient and economical systems that will help you create the garden of your dreams.

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