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Pruning and Trimming Hydroponic Plants


Pruning and Trimming Hydroponic Plants

Taking a scissors or shears to plants in a hydroponics garden might not be the first thing that growers think about when they look at all of the issues involved in maintaining one of these projects – however, pruning can be an important part of caring for small hydroponic plants, just as much as it is a traditional part of maintenance for a nursery or topiary.

What Good Pruning Can Do

One of the biggest benefits of pruning hydroponics plants is that getting rid of extra leaf or stem parts allows the plants to focus more of their energy on the fruit or the marketable parts of the plant. By cutting away what the plan doesn’t need, the grower is encouraging growth where it is needed.

Another big benefit from pruning is related to the sanitation of the grow area. You’ve probably heard many growers talking about how important it is to keep dirt and debris out of a grow space in order to limit the growth and spread of harmful bacteria: this is where pruning can come in handy – by cutting away some of the dead or dying parts of a plant, growers are giving bacteria less of a vantage point for invading their hydroponics gardens.

Getting the Best Pruning Tools for Hydroponics

Lest you think that all trimming and pruning hydroponics tools are equal, a close look at a good retailer’s catalog will show you that there are a lot of different designs that can help growers out in different ways – some of the best shears and pruning tools are extremely small, to allow for getting into those small compact grow spaces that hold a small number of plants, or for navigating between narrow rows. Many of these tools also have very helpful finger or thumb holders to allow gardeners to grasp these smaller tools a lot better.

For more on pruners, trimmers, and all of the gear that you need to keep your hydroponics garden in good shape, talk to your retailer about the best new products for keeping these types of projects functioning well.

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