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Size Requirements: Evaluate Your Hydroponics Setup


Size Requirements: Evaluate Your Hydroponics Setup

There are lots of potential situations that growers find themselves in while maintaining their indoor gardens. Some of them have to do with unexpected events like the infiltration of a garden by harmful bacteria or pests; others have to do with the fact that the hydroponics garden may have been set up incorrectly to begin with. Growers can avoid some of these kinds of problems by taking a detailed approach to building a grow room or grow space.

Part of this is knowing how much room you will need for hydroponics equipment that has to be located at ‘table-level’ rather than on the ground. Without enough table room, you can run into some pretty frustrating situations.

Sizing Up Your Table Space

Essentially, in order to make sure you have enough space allocated for hydroponics equipment, you’ll need to make a list of everything that needs to go ‘up top’ and then gather precise dimensions for this equipment. Your hydroponic retailers will tell you exactly how big everything is, including plant trays, pumps and air handling gear, and more. With these numbers in hand, you’ll know how to purchase tables.

Stability for a Hydroponics Garden

Another issue is having secure, stable tables for a raised indoor garden. Tables that don’t have the right support for a given weight load, or lack sufficient space for equipment, can end up putting a wrench into an indoor gardening plan. Make sure that you consider these aspects of your hydroponics setup before installing everything in your designated grow area.

For more on what you need to set up a hydroponic grow room, ask your hydroponic retailer about the best new equipment on the market, as well as nutrients, plant holders, and everything else you’ll need to create great indoor harvests.

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