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Space Exploration and Hydroponics


We’ve reported a lot about neat hydroponic gardening solutions that you can see in operation near anywhere you may live, but what about this kind of water-based gardening light years away? The truth is that today’s scientists are now contemplating ways to grow hydroponics produce in space in order to help outfit future deep space explorations and projects.

NASA Research and Hydroponics

Elements of NASA’s Vision for Space Exploration Program involve looking at the ways that hydroponics can support astronaut teams as they participate in longer space exploration missions. Although some parts of the deep space research have largely been shuttered, there is still a lot of work going on about how to enable humans to go further from their home planet and explore more of the universe. One of the big elements of this research is around feeding these space pioneers in effective ways.

It’s obvious that soil based agriculture is going to be problematic in space for many reasons. However, hydroponics can present a much more feasible way to generate food vast distances from where it has been traditionally grown. One big advantage of hydroponics is that closed reservoirs can function well in a zero gravity environment, where an open soil bed might be vulnerable to physical entropy. Hydroponics gardening also involves a lot of different kinds of micromanagement where gardeners can take advantage of or anticipate changes in an interior climate.

For more on how hydroponics gardening happens at home and far away, keep an eye on our site where we showcase a lot of innovative hydroponics designs and provide information on the most modern equipment for new projects.

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