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Super Locker Overview


Super Locker Overview

The Super Locker vertical grow box is a unique kind of product that’s meant for a specific kind of use. While many of the best compact hydroponics grow boxes and grow units are largely rectangular in design, this floor-standing version looks like a high school locker. At 66 inches high, with a footprint of 24 x 14 inches, this plant growth structure allows hydroponics crops a lot of opportunity to climb. An additional cloning center at the top can accommodate smaller plants.

One of the great things about the Super Locker is that the grow lights situated at the top of the larger chamber have a lot of room to distribute lights down to plants at any phase of growth. Adjustable HID 100 250 HPS lights will give plants the light spectrum that they need to thrive. Automated features and an Odorsok carbon air filter also provide better handling for this system. Growers who need to help their plants grow vertically can order an additional trellis accessory for plant support.

The Super Locker also comes with security features, optional carbon dioxide add-ons, and easy setups for irrigation and air handling. In terms of competitive hydroponics grow systems, this good-looking grow box isn’t half bad for a wide variety of hydroponics projects. For more, take a look at the full online catalog to see all of what’s available for customizing your projects, and getting the vibrant kinds of harvests you need. Good online shopping can net you the perfect system that will deliver many great plant cycles over time and let you grow with confidence.

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