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Taste-Testing Hydroponic Lettuce


Taste-Testing Hydroponic Lettuce

It may be surprising to some beginners, but more than a few growers have added lettuce to their hydroponic inventory. There are a few basic reasons that lettuce can be a good hydroponic crop, including the following:

  • hydroponics systems can allow for proper irrigation for this water-hungry plant
  • indoor systems can provide more sanitation for a plant that is vulnerable to dirt and debris
  • hydroponics can accommodate the quick plant cycles of many lettuce varieties

Although lettuce is a prime hydroponic crop, and hydroponic growing can help simplify the process for this vegetable product, there are still some things to think about when cultivating lettuce in a hydroponics system, whether it’s a full-size grow space or a smaller hydroponics grow box that is set up with all of the automated features that can help in growing this sometimes tricky plant.

Why Hydroponic Lettuce Might Taste Wrong

Sometimes hydroponic growers can avoid some problems with soil ground lettuce. When the lettuce that is grown in conventional gardens doesn’t get enough water, it can become extremely bitter and unpleasant tasting. Hydroponics can deliver the right amount of water at all times, but you still may encounter a bitter or sour taste in your lettuce greens. That’s why it’s a good idea to do several test runs of a hydroponic lettuce crop, taste testing each plant cycle to make sure that the nutrients and other equipment that you’re using produce a delicious, valuable harvest.

For more on how to cultivate hydroponic lettuce and other such crops, ask your hydroponic retailer about specific gear and materials that will put the finishing touches on your hydroponic gardening plan. It’s all part of creating the specific setup that you want in order to accommodate your personal goals for plants harvests that will leave you with great results.

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