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Top 5 Best Hydroponics Grow Box Systems in 2023


Grow boxes have come and gone but some have lasted the test of time due to their superior quality and efficiency. Here are the top 5 best hydroponics grow box systems as of 2023.

1. Growzilla

The Growzilla is the optimal sized grow box to grow 5-7 pounds of dried plant matter in a way that doesn't take up too much space in your home. With a 24" by 16.5" footprint, it won't take up much space at all. Meanwhile, the Growzilla is 5.5' to 7' tall which gives you plenty of space to grow large plants. The system is not only stealth and complete with odor control systems, it is also fully automated. The only work required from the user is to change the water once a week. The Growzilla also boasts the "High Times Grow Box Of The Year" award for 2021. The price point and the size together make the Growzilla the best grow box system currently available in the market today.

2. Cash Crop

The Cash Crop is officially the best selling grow box in the world because of the affordable price range and the compact size of the grow box. At 3 feet tall, this grow box is optimal to grow plants that range from 3-5 feet tall. Keep in mind that plants bend inside so it is not hard to grow plants bigger than the grow box height. It is a fully automated, stealth system that comes with a lifetime warranty. Additionally, the Cash Crop has an optional height upgrade. It can be raised to 5.5 feet tall for an additional $200 for those looking to expand their growing capabilities. Not only is the Cash Crop stealth, it also doesn't take much of a footprint at all. The total footprint size is only 16" by 11". You can grow 2 plants in the Cash Crop to produce 1-2 pounds of dried plant matter per cycle and even more with the height upgrade.

3. Titan

The Titan is actually the best grow box for serious commercial growers but it took the #3 spot because of the price and footprint. At $3995, the Titan can grow a whopping 18 plants. The Titan is 7 foot tall, 4 foot wide and over 2 feet deep. It comes with all the bells and whistles including top quality lights, an 18 plant hydroponics system, top notch fans, a camera, weather station and much more. It is also stealth and automated. The Titan can grow up to 27 pounds of dried plant matter per cycle. The Titan has only been out for 1-2 years but is already becoming massively popular.

4. Grandma's Secret Garden

The Grandma's Secret Garden is an overall very well rounded 4 plant hydroponics system that fits in well into any home or office. With a footprint of 24"x18" it can be placed nearly anywhere. It grows about 5-6 pounds of dried plant matter per cycle in a stealth, automated grow system. It also includes a lifetime warranty on everything and a 1 year warranty on the lights.

5. My Grow Buddy

"My Grow Buddy" is the newest addition of soil grow boxes on the market today. At only $420, it is extremely inexpensive. It grows 1 plant in a 3 foot or 5.5 foot environement depending on what size you pick. The benefit of "My Grow Buddy" is the fact it is extremely beginner friendly in that anyone can use it. All it takes is to drop a seed into the provided soil, set the timer and water every 2-3 days.

There have been many grow boxes that have come and gone over the years. Most grow box companies have gone bankrupt due to bad designs but Dealzer Hydroponics has been the last company standing since 2009. This is because they have professional grow boxes with just the right amount of automation to avoid long term problems plus they offer supreme customer service. Be careful when buying a hydroponics grow system because most companies aren't quite sure what they are doing when building them. There can be many complications. Further, Dealzer Hydroponics provides 7 day a week customer service plus stealth shipping which improves the value of the products sent.

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