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Top 5 Fitness Foods


Hydroponics gardening can be part of reinventing your lifestyle and improving your overall health but what should you grow in your garden to complement a good fitness routine? Here are some of the most popular fitness foods for combining a good whole foods diet with a daily or routine workout.

Fresh Fruit

All kinds of garden-grown fruits have those blends of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help combat conditions as diverse as heart disease, cancer and poor digestion. They can also help to stimulate the metabolism. That’s why having fresh fruit in your garden can lead you to a healthier future and help you to make the most of your exercise routine.

Leafy Green Vegetables

A range of green vegetables also have a lot of the same health benefits, but some also come with extra fitness power – hearty greens that contain good amounts of fiber and protein can outfit the body to build on the exercise that burns fat and changes the chemical composition of body tissues whether your goal is muscle building or slimming down.


All kinds of beans and other legumes are famously protein rich and can help with building muscle and promoting better core capacity – a lot of fitness trainers will tell you that too many of those coming into the gym have a weak core and having a protein rich diet can help.

Salad Stuff

When building a hydro garden for fitness, don’t forget other conventional salad items like tomatoes and cucumbers. Despite their light footprints, these veggies are also loaded with fitness benefits, and they also help exercisers to slim down through introducing lower-calorie options to the dinner plate.


From parsley to cilantro, and through all of the other popular choices for green herb cultivation, there’s a lot of choice for keeping some herbs available to season food. Many of these will also help with a fitness plan.

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