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Top 5 Healing Plants You Can Grow with Hydroponics


Many people think of hydroponics gardens as just ways to bring green food to the table, but these smaller indoor or greenhouse garden designs can also support the cultivation of natural herbs that can be used for home remedies or medicines. Here are some of the top choices for a medicinal herb garden.


The green herb basil is one of the most powerful home remedy elements in the herb grower’s handbook. This tasty green plant is native to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, some of which come from chemicals called flavonoids that are powerful parts of this plant design – in fact the leaves of this plant have been known to provide effective treatment for some bacterial conditions that don’t respond well to antiniotics. This is one helpful ingredient to include in a medicinal herb hydroponics garden.

Rosemary - rosemary is commonly known to have a good effect on the immune system and may help increase circulation or help with digestion

Parsley - parsley is also a gastronomical and digestive aid and also a flavorful part of many Italian dishes. This is another herb that can go well in a hydroponics gardens for medicinal purposes

Aloe – aloe is good for the skin and can be used to treat some kinds of scrapes, lacerations and burns – this is another green plant that can grow hydroponically and can be used for medicinal purposes

Garlic – garlic is not only a super food, but also has a lot of the same elements that can have a positive effect on the immune system. Garlic often gets used in various home remedies for colds and other viruses

Think about adding any of these green herbs to a hydro garden aimed at cultivating good health and helping to treat various kinds of common ailments.

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