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Top 5 Medicinal Herbs You Can Grow in Your Dealzer Grow Box


In addition to vegetables and other plant foods, lots of hydroponics growers like to cultivate different kinds of herbs. Some of these are known for their culinary uses, and others have specific medicinal appeal. Here are some of the most common medicinal herbs grown in a local residential hydroponic project.


In addition to being one of the traditional go-to herbs for Italian cooking, basil has a range of health benefits. It has been known to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Growers often include this easy-to-cultivate herb for both food and medicine


Rosemary is another medicinal herb that can stimulate the immune system and help with circulation as well as some kind of stomach troubles. It is even being used for treating asthma and other conditions. Rosemary also works well in lots of hardier dishes. Because of all of the above, growers like to add this to hydroponics gardens.


Parsley is yet another herb that combines culinary and medicinal uses. It’s specifically useful in a lot of French cooking. Again, though, Parsley also helps with gastrointestinal problems and helps with regular digestion.


Yes, the mint plant is useful in tea. Historically, people have also used it to treat symptoms as various as nausea, cramping, colds and viruses, and headaches. All of this makes the mint plant a desirable option for hydroponics growing.


While less prominent in different types of cuisine, Sage is quite a popular medicinal herb and also used for some kinds of religious ceremonies. It’s a relatively easy plant to grow and it can also be used in a range of dishes from venison gravy to chicken pot pie.

For more, look at our hydroponic retailer site to see what kinds of equipment are available for your home hydroponics grow project.

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