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Top Growbox hacks


We hear from growers all the time who want to jazz up a grow box or hydroponics kit that they bought with clever DIY solutions to increase productivity, micromanage crop cycles or generally improve operations.

Here are five of the top grow box “hacks” that we've seen done successfully to augment, the great design and engineering put into manufactured systems.

Hydro and Soil

Some growers take a particular kit and set it up to manage both hydroponic plants and soil-based growing. There are a number of different reasons for this, but at the bottom of it, this type of grow box hack relies on specific knowledge about how to utilize plant pot spaces and get nutrients and other elements to plant roots.


This is another way that growers often retrofit a grow box or hydroponic grow space. By putting in other kinds of smaller trays, growers can accommodate clones, which are small cuttings from a mother plant that will eventually grow into fully matured plants if they are nurtured in the right ways. Clones take a lot more care and support, because they are so delicate. In general, hacking a grow box for clones involves setting aside a particular space for these younger and more fragile plants.

Carbon Dioxide Additions

Growers can also change the levels of carbon dioxide in the system, either to try to reduce flowering in plants, or to try to get bigger yields (or both). Success in this case is dependent on a number of factors, such as whether the right temperature and humidity are in place. Read up on additional carbon dioxide before installing one of these grow box or grow space additions.

Plant Booster Nutrients

Many growers will also decide to use enhanced nutrient packages to try to boost yields - and some of these can work, just like miracle grow® or rich compost your backyard garden. However, you have to know a little bit about plant chemistry to figure out whether dousing plants with more nutrients is going to really promote better growth.

Supplemental Feeding

This low-tech hack is one that a lot of growers are using to feed plants in more accurate ways. Sometimes, plants don't get what they need through regular irrigation. So growers use what's called foliar feeding, or in the case of specific methods, FogPonics. They simply spray or mist the plant with nutrient solution which gets digested through small glands of plants’ stems. This easy hack can be a way to revitalize plants that are struggling.

For more, check out all of the gear that modern manufacturers and suppliers provide for you to take care of your hydroponics plants correctly.

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