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Using HEPA Filters in Hydroponics


Using HEPA Filters in Hydroponics

A new type of air filters called HEPA filters can be effective for many different kinds of projects. However, not all hydroponics growers know that these filters can be useful in a greenhouse gardening environment. Using HEPA filters or similar products can help with a spectrum of problems that hydroponics growers are likely to encounter at some point during a plant cycle.

Using HEPA Filters for Mold or Bacteria

One way the hydroponics growers like to use HEPA filters is to control elements like mold or various kinds of harmful bacteria that can threaten hydroponic plants. Careful positioning of HEPA filters in vents or other equipment, or in stand-alone air purifiers, can have a positive effect on the sanitation of an indoor gardening environment.

Using HEPA filters as Pest Control

HEPA filters can also help growers guard against many kinds of insects that can have a negative effect on hydroponics crops. One of these villains is the fungus gnat, which can often infest hydroponics environments. Once fungus gnat have laid eggs in a grow space, it can be extremely hard to keep them from having a detrimental effect on your crop. Putting HEPA filters invents an entry ways can help keep these tiny invaders out of a grow area to ensure a healthier final result.

For more on using HEPA filters and other kinds of equipment in your hydroponics project, talk to your hydroponics retailer and ask about what types of air handling filters and similar items make sense for your unique grow scenario.

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