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What is Sterile Media?


What is Sterile Media?

Some beginning growers have never come across the term sterile media and don’t understand what it means for hydroponics. Those who are serious about cultivating crops indoors will eventually learn that using sterile media is critical for giving plants the best chances of healthy maturity, and a major part of nearly any hydroponics setup.

Sterile Media: The Difference Between Hydroponic and Soil-Based Plants

In outdoor gardening, plants have their roots in the soil. Doil naturally provides elements that the plant needs and a way for crops to effectively intake water and nutrients. But in hydroponics gardening, the equation is a bit different. Growers will need to find something else to use as an environment for plant roots. But when it comes to the kinds of materials that hydroponic plants need to thrive, not just anything will do. Growers refer to sterile media as superior products that will help plants get water and nutrients without introducing harmful bacteria.

Types of Sterile Media

Various types of 7 sterile media for hydroponics project include the following:

  • rockwool
  • coco coir
  • perlite
  • volcanic products

These and other forms of sterile media will help protect plants from harmful bacteria and diseases like pythium that can happen when bad bacteria grows in the immediate plant environment. Many of these substances are naturally occurring compounds that are not unusually expensive, and many of them also come with the best indoor gardening kits and systems. Ask your hydroponic retailer about how to get the right sterile media for your projects, and make sure that these quality items are part of what ships to you when it’s time to set up your indoor garden.

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