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What would happen if everyone grew Hydroponics?


The holidays are happy times, and it’s a fun scenario, so let’s think about it for a minute. What if everybody grew hydroponics?

No More Agent Orange

For one thing, if everybody grew hydroponics, we wouldn’t have to worry so much about what they’re spraying on plants.

There is a very concerning trend in big agribusiness that includes spraying all sorts of potentially harmful chemicals onto the produce that we eat. Now, there are reports of some of the same toxic things used in the infamous agent orange Vietnam wartime compounds, actually getting sprayed on farms. That really shouldn’t be a thing, but it is. Local hydroponics growing would solve that problem, because the smalltime growers wouldn’t need to use those kinds of high-powered pesticides and herbicides.


If everybody grew hydroponics, produce wouldn’t have to come with labels like ‘triple washed.’ You wouldn’t have to place this high premium on pressure spraying vegetables and greens because you would know where your food was coming from. You wouldn’t worry about whether it had been contaminated of salmonella or improperly handled at the factory or in shipping.

As it is, there are too many steps that produce takes as it winds its way through the process to your table.

A Lower Carbon Footprint

Obviously, if everyone grow hydroponics, that would also cut down on some of the greenhouse gas problems, because less trucks would be shipping produce around the country and around the world.

You only need a brief look at your supermarket food labels to see that most of your food is coming from far away.Even ‘made in the USA’ products are now coming with premium prices. But with hydroponics, the food is grown close to you – it’s called ‘farm to table,’ and it’s a big thing these days. People want local produce for health reasons, and for cost-efficiency, but they also want local produce because of the positive impact on the environment.

Current Opportunities

One more thing – if everybody grew hydroponics, there wouldn’t be such a great demand for these kinds of products. Luckily for today’s growers, not everybody goes hydroponics, and that’s why so many small growers can sell their products to high-end restaurants or other buyers and get premium prices. Six dollars for a small pack of greens? Five dollars for a pint of tomatoes? Many of our growers can command these kinds of prices, because they’re in markets where good food is hard to find, and local organic food is almost to “unicorn status.”

Think about getting onto the bandwagon now while hydroponics is such an in-demand industry. Oh yeah – and Merry Christmas!!!!

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