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Why You Should Start with Aquaponics


You may have heard of hydroponics a long time ago, but you still might be stumped by the term aquaponics. Aquaponics is a very modern term that has to do with a few basic factors. One of them is overfishing, where the traditional method of simply collecting seafood in big nets may not provide for the entire consumer demand around different kinds of fish and other sea creatures. Another factor is modern technology that allows for more efficient indoor grow systems with low energy grow lights and air handling systems and other advanced equipment.

What is Aquaponics?

Aquaponics is essentially the idea that fish and other seafood can be farmed. The aquaponics industry is not just limited to cultivating varieties of fish in captivity; aquaponics businesses have also been known to raise oysters and clams and other types of seafood in farm environments. The definition of aquaponics is somewhat broad: it can accommodate very closed chamber systems, or more loosely monitored streams and waterways.

Another aspect of aquaponics is that it also often takes place in conjunction with hydroponics. Fish can be farmed in a hydroponics reservoir for a kind of biological synergy that helps to create more of what both of these projects need from the natural processes and interactions that occur between fish and plants.

There are a few compelling reasons to get started with aquaponics today. The first is that all kinds of seafood are getting more expensive and aquaponics can be a way to provide them affordably. Another is that the equipment available for aquaponics has come a long way in just a few years. For much more on aquaponics and other kinds of food cultivation, check out our entire product catalog and resources on the website.

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