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Your Basic Hydroponics Gardening – Food Variety


Some of those who have never grown a hydroponics garden make the mistake of thinking that there are only certain things that can go in a hydroponics grow kit or grow chamber. The fact is that anything that fits in a chamber and can be grown in soil can also be grown hydroponically. Growers can experiment with lots of different kinds of plants, even exotic varieties of vegetables, and really produce a surprising amount of produce, as well as a surprising diversity of plant foods.

Vining Plants

Just because vining plants take up so much space in a soil garden doesn’t mean they won’t fit into a hydroponics strategy. Vegetables like tomatoes and cucumbers can absolutely be grown in hydroponics gardens. Smaller plants can be grown in a grow box, but they can also be started in a box and transplanted to more open hydroponics grow systems that allow them to utilize vertical space or otherwise exist within a smaller floor plan. This is a common way that hydroponics growers add a lot of value to a project by growing the kinds of foods that are valuable for chefs for home cooks.

Green Herbs for Food and Medicine

Then there is the wide variety of green herbs that can easily exist within a hydroponics garden. A little of each can go a long way, whether it’s parsley, thyme or oregano, basil or cilantro for the table, or other kinds of green herbs that are sometimes used as medicinal supplements or general health aides. These days, the close link between food and medicine is promoting green foods as not only tasty additions to the dinner plate but also as essential health boosters. Lots of growers base part of their crop strategy on the kinds of herbs they can use to feel better each day and maintain a better quality of life.

For more on all of what you can do with a modern hydroponics garden, check out our product catalog and other resources on the site.

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