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Zumba: A Weight Loss Miracle?


To Americans, weight loss has become almost like a religion. From the much televised Biggest Losers show to local incentive programs by small employers, a whole bunch of us are trying to drop the pounds, for various reasons including better health, better body image, more range of motion, and various social pressures that stigmatize even the slightly heavy.

Enter this recent CNN report on a woman who apparently dropped over 100 of her initial 331 pounds by doing another thing that’s become a really popular American pastime: Zumba. This Latin- born dance craze has made its way into the American gym, and from there to the living room through a combination of popular DVDs and on-demand cable offerings. A largely female audience has added this specific activity to other top workouts like yoga and pilates, and many of them have seen pretty good results.

Adding Diet to the Mix

It’s absolutely true that exercise can help individuals lose a lot of weight. Getting moving every day is critically important to overall health, but without another key pillar of wellness, exercise itself may not do the trick. A lot of us are just simply too hungry to abstain from the rationed portions that will help us drop our numbers on the scales. You can change how much you eat, but you can also change what you eat, adding fresh greens to the table to help produce a leaner physique. Hydroponics gardens can help give you an incentive to add greens to your menu, where setting up one of our innovative automated hydroponic systems can mean easy access to the foods that are most nutritious and best for your diet.

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