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  • Roots Organics Formula 707 1.5 cf RO70715

Formula 707 1.5 cf RO70715

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Product Description

Roots Organics Formula 707 1.5 cf RO70715 is a premium soil mix that caters to the dedicated gardener who seeks complete control over their gardening outcomes. Crafted with precision and expertise, Formula 707 stands out from other potting mixes in the market with its unique composition and thoughtful design.

This ready-to-use soil mix boasts of a superior water-holding capacity, precisely balanced nutrient levels, and a reduced amount of perlite and pumice for optimal plant growth. Ideal for large container gardening, Formula 707 empowers you to take charge of your plants' well-being with ease.

Discover the richness of Formula 707's ingredients, which include high-quality components such as coco fiber, coarse peat moss, virgin forest material composted with livestock manure, worm castings, bat guano, and more. Each ingredient is carefully chosen to provide your plants with essential nutrients, ensuring robust growth and vibrant blooms.

Specially curated with the addition of mycorrhizae, a beneficial fungi that promotes root development and nutrient uptake, Formula 707 goes beyond just a regular soil mix - it's a complete ecosystem for your plants to thrive in.

Experience the difference with Roots Organics Formula 707 1.5 cf RO70715 - simply prepare your container, fill it with this exceptional soil mix, and watch your plants reach new heights of health and vitality. Unleash the potential of your gardening journey with the unmatched quality and performance of Formula 707.

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