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  • Monterey Lawn and Garden Products Monterey Bt Gal MBR5006

Monterey B.t. Gal MBR5006

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Product Description

The Monterey B.t. Gal MBR5006 is a powerful solution for eliminating caterpillar-type insects without causing harm to birds, earthworms, and beneficial insects like honeybees and ladybugs when applied correctly. Your garden will flourish as this product targets and eradicates caterpillars that threaten your plants. Once consumed, the treated foliage causes the caterpillars to cease feeding and causing damage to your cherished plants.

This versatile product can be used on a variety of plants including fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, and shade trees. You can even apply it to edible plants right up to the day of harvest, ensuring that your produce remains safe for consumption. The Monterey B.t. Gal MBR5006 is trusted by organic gardeners as it is OMRI Listed, making it suitable for organic gardening practices.

Say goodbye to caterpillar infestations and welcome a thriving garden with the Monterey B.t. Gal MBR5006. This product not only effectively controls caterpillar-type insects but also maintains the delicate balance of your garden ecosystem by sparing beneficial insects essential to pollination and overall garden health. Enjoy a bountiful harvest and beautiful, pest-free plants with this reliable and eco-friendly solution in your gardening arsenal. Choose Monterey B.t. Gal MBR5006 for a safe and effective caterpillar control option for your garden.

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