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  • Monterey Lawn and Garden Products Monterey Garden Insect Spray, Pt MBR5007

Monterey Garden Insect Spray, Pt MBR5007

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Product Description

Monterey Garden Insect Spray, Pt MBR5007 is a premium bacterial product that is a must-have for any avid gardener or outdoor enthusiast. This powerful solution, produced through fermentation, is designed to effectively control a wide range of pesky insects that can wreak havoc on your outdoor space. From ornamentals to lawns, vegetables to fruit trees, this versatile spray is the perfect defense against caterpillars, leafminers, codling moth, tent caterpillars, gypsy moth, thrips, borers, and more.

In addition to its effectiveness on a variety of insects, Monterey Garden Insect Spray is also highly acclaimed for its ability to combat fire ants in lawns and other outdoor areas. This means you can enjoy your time outside without the nuisance and danger posed by these fiery pests. Furthermore, this product is fast-acting, providing you with quick relief from insect infestations, while being completely odorless, ensuring a pleasant experience during application.

What sets Monterey Garden Insect Spray apart from other products on the market is its key ingredient - spinosad. This powerful component ensures superior control of insects, giving you peace of mind knowing that your plants and outdoor spaces are well-protected. Say goodbye to bothersome bugs and hello to a thriving garden with Monterey Garden Insect Spray, Pt MBR5007 - the ultimate solution for all your insect control needs.

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