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  • Humboldt Nutrients Humboldt Sticky - 8 oz - Humboldt Nutrients

Humboldt Sticky - 8 oz. - Humboldt Nutrients

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$13.32 (You save $1.11)
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Product Description

Humboldt Sticky by Humboldt Nutrients is the premium solution to maximize the effectiveness of your plant nutrition regimen. Developed through extensive testing in the lush landscapes of Northern California, Humboldt Sticky has proven its worth as a top-tier sticking and wetting agent. Crafted with premium ingredients that are unrivaled in similar products, Humboldt Sticky sets itself apart with state-of-the-art binding agents that establish a microscopic bond between your plants' leaves and the nutrient solution.

By utilizing Humboldt Sticky as part of your plant care routine, you ensure that your plants receive a more comprehensive and effective nutritional uptake. This innovative product facilitates the direct feeding of plants through foliar sprays, bypassing the root zone to deliver nutrients straight to where they are needed most. By enhancing nutrient absorption without causing harm or stress to plant tissue, Humboldt Sticky guarantees that no resources go to waste, resulting in healthier and more vigorous plant growth.

Experience the difference with Humboldt Nutrients Humboldt Sticky as you cultivate larger, more aromatic crops with vibrant colors and flavors. Elevate your gardening game and unlock the full potential of your favorite plants by providing them with the optimal nutrition they deserve. With Humboldt Sticky, you can be confident in the quality and effectiveness of your plant care routine, leading to bountiful harvests and stunning results every time.

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