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  • Humboldt Nutrients Myco Maximum - 5 lb - Humboldt Nutrients

Myco Maximum - 5 lb. - Humboldt Nutrients

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$240.00 (You save $20.00)
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Product Description

Myco Maximum by Humboldt Nutrients is the essential soil supplement for any avid gardener or farmer seeking to optimize plant growth and health. Packed with a potent blend of 7 species of growth-enhancing mycorrhizal fungi, 11 strains of beneficial bacteria, 2 trichoderma species, and other proprietary ingredients, Myco Maximum is designed to supercharge your soil and provide the necessary nutrients for plants at every stage of their life cycle.

This granular powder breaks down nutrients and micro-nutrients in your growing medium, ensuring that your plants have access to the essential elements they need to thrive. By increasing the surface-absorbing area of plant roots, the mycorrhizal fungi in Myco Maximum significantly boost your plants' ability to absorb water and nutrients, leading to healthier growth, increased fruiting, and more abundant flowering.

The beneficial bacteria, mycorrhizal fungi, and trichoderma species in Myco Maximum work harmoniously to improve soil structure and enhance root function, allowing for better nutrient absorption and water retention. By expanding into the surrounding medium, these microorganisms create a symbiotic relationship with your plants, ultimately promoting stronger, more vibrant growth.

Give your plants the best chance for success with Myco Maximum - the trusted choice for plant enthusiasts looking to take their gardening game to the next level. Experience the difference in your plants' vitality and productivity with Humboldt Nutrients' Myco Maximum.

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