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  • Hydro Organics / Earth Juice OilyCann 1 gal HOJ13173

OilyCann 1 gal HOJ13173

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Product Description

OilyCann 1 gal HOJ13173 is the ultimate natural plant supplement designed to provide your plants with essential calcium, magnesium, and humic acid without any added nitrogen. Specifically formulated to cater to the needs of indoor and outdoor plants, hydroponic systems, and soil gardening, OilyCann is a must-have for any plant enthusiast looking to maximize their garden's potential.

Perfect for addressing calcium and magnesium deficiencies in plants or boosting levels during crucial stages like bud and bloom production, OilyCann ensures your plants have everything they need to thrive. Additionally, OilyCann excels at buffering water with elevated sodium levels, offering a comprehensive solution to common gardening challenges.

Versatile and easy to use, OilyCann can be applied on its own or in conjunction with other liquid and dry fertilizers, allowing you to customize your plant care routine to suit your garden's unique requirements. Whether you are tending to indoor potted plants, cultivating a hydroponic setup, or nurturing a traditional outdoor garden, OilyCann is your go-to supplement for promoting healthy growth and vibrant blooms.

Invest in the future of your plants with OilyCann 1 gal HOJ13173 and witness the remarkable difference that this high-quality plant supplement can make in transforming your gardening experience. Trust OilyCann to be your partner in achieving luscious, thriving plants that are sure to impress.

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